Is roof restoration right for your business?

Is roof restoration right for your business?

The last time you got your roof replaced, did the company talk to you about a roof restoration? Or did they suggest a complete replacement that cost you thousands of dollars on such short notice, plus interrupted your work schedule in the meantime? When your roof...
Here’s What to Know About Acrylic Roof Coating

Are foam roofs any good?

Information about Foam Roofing You may have many questions about what a foam roof coating is and what type of buildings it works best on. It is designed to work on commercial buildings, and it is quite popular. It is also a handy coating, which is quite versatile and...
Is It Recommended to Insulate Under Metal Roof?

Is It Recommended to Insulate Under Metal Roof?

Is it recommended to insulate under metal roof? When you have a metal roof, you’ve invested in a roofing system that is extremely durable, requires minimal care but has maximum longevity. At the same time, two problems can occur if your roof isn’t properly insulated:...
Is a metal roof worth it?

Is a metal roof worth it?

What is the best color for a metal roof? Metal roofing on commercial structures, and even though most are above eye level and you’d never know it. In fact, most people on the street wouldn’t give two thoughts to the roofing material of a commercial building. Like a...
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